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The Top 15 Snacks for a Road Trip (Healthy Ideas for Kids and Adults)

Road trips bring hunger and tiredness, but you don't have to rely on unhealthy fast food. Instead, pack nutritious snacks like trail mix, fresh fruit, veggie sticks with hummus, beef jerky, cheese and crackers, granola bars, yogurt cups, popcorn, energy bites, hard-boiled eggs, apples with peanut butter, dark chocolate, rice cakes, string cheese, and mixed nuts. Avoid sugary, greasy, and messy foods. Pack in resealable bags and a cooler for freshness.

By Cookist

Road trips are a quintessential part of summer, offering the perfect opportunity to explore new places and enjoy the great outdoors. However, these journeys can be quite long, often bringing bouts of hunger and tiredness. While on the road, you might think that the only food available is from fast food joints or gas stations—typically unhealthy options. Fortunately, there are many nutritious and delicious snacks suitable for both adults and kids that can keep you energized and awake while driving.

1. Trail Mix


Trail mix is the number one most popular road trip snack in the USA. A combination of nuts, dried fruits, and sometimes chocolate or seeds, trail mix offers a balanced mix of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. It's easy to pack and provides sustained energy, making it perfect for long drives.

2. Fresh Fruit


Fresh fruits like apples, bananas, and grapes are convenient and nutritious road trip snacks. They are packed with vitamins, fiber, and natural sugars that can provide a quick energy boost without causing a sugar crash. Plus, they are refreshing and hydrating.

3. Veggie Sticks and Hummus


For a healthy and crunchy snack, pack some veggie sticks such as carrots, celery, and bell peppers along with a small container of hummus. This combination is low in calories but high in fiber and nutrients, making it an excellent choice for both adults and kids.

4. Beef Jerky


Beef jerky is an ideal snack for adults who need a protein boost to stay alert and energized. It's savory, satisfying, and doesn't require refrigeration, making it perfect for long road trips. Opt for low-sodium and preservative-free varieties for a healthier option.

5. Cheese and Crackers


Cheese and whole-grain crackers make a great pairing for a quick and satisfying snack. The protein and fat in the cheese provide lasting energy, while the crackers offer a crunchy contrast. This snack is easy to pack and can be enjoyed by both adults and children.

6. Granola Bars


Granola bars are a classic road trip snack due to their convenience and variety. Look for bars that are low in sugar and high in fiber and protein to keep you full and energized for longer. They come in numerous flavors, making them a hit with both kids and adults.

7. Yogurt Cups


Single-serving yogurt cups are a delicious and nutritious snack, especially when paired with fresh fruit or granola. Greek yogurt, in particular, is high in protein and can help keep you feeling satisfied. Just remember to bring a cooler to keep them chilled.

8. Popcorn


Popcorn is a light and tasty snack that's perfect for munching on during a road trip. Opt for air-popped popcorn or lightly seasoned varieties to keep it healthy. It's low in calories but high in fiber, making it a great choice for keeping hunger at bay.

9. Energy Bites


Energy bites, made from oats, nut butter, and honey or dates, are compact and packed with nutrients. These homemade snacks are easy to make and customize with your favorite add-ins like chocolate chips, nuts, or dried fruit. They provide a quick energy boost without the sugar crash.

10. Hard-Boiled Eggs


Hard-boiled eggs are a protein-packed snack that's easy to prepare and transport. They can help keep you full and focused on the road. Peel them in advance and store them in a cooler for a convenient and nutritious snack option.

11. Apples and Peanut Butter


Sliced apples with a small container of peanut butter make a delicious and balanced snack. The natural sweetness of the apple pairs perfectly with the protein and healthy fats in the peanut butter, providing sustained energy and satiety.

12. Dark Chocolate


Dark chocolate can be a great treat on the road, especially for adults. It's rich in antioxidants and can provide a gentle caffeine boost to help keep you awake. Choose dark chocolate with a high cocoa content and low sugar for the healthiest option.

13. Rice Cakes


Rice cakes are a low-calorie, crunchy snack that can be enjoyed on their own or topped with nut butter, avocado, or cheese. They are light, easy to pack, and versatile, making them a great addition to your road trip snack arsenal.

14. String Cheese


String cheese is a fun and convenient snack for kids and adults alike. It's individually packaged, easy to eat, and provides a good source of protein and calcium. Pair it with some whole-grain crackers or fruit for a balanced snack.

15. Mixed Nuts


Mixed nuts are an excellent source of healthy fats, protein, and fiber. They are easy to portion and pack, providing a satisfying and nutritious snack that can help keep hunger at bay during long drives. Choose unsalted or lightly salted varieties for the healthiest option.

Unhealthy Road Trip Snacks to Avoid

While on a road trip, it's best to avoid snacks that are high in sugar, overly greasy, or messy to eat. Foods like candy bars, chips, and fast food can lead to energy crashes and are not as nutritious. Additionally, avoid snacks that require refrigeration unless you have a reliable cooler to keep them fresh.

How to Pack Snacks for A Long Drive?

To pack your snacks efficiently, use resealable plastic bags, airtight containers, and a cooler with ice packs for items that need to stay cold. Keep your snacks within easy reach to minimize distractions while driving. By planning and packing a variety of healthy snacks, you can ensure that your road trip is enjoyable, nutritious, and satisfying for everyone involved.

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