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10 Apple Recipes you can’t do without

Apples are a very versatile fruit and they are widely used in the kitchen, especially in patisserie; in fact, with apples you can prepare soft and fragrant cakes or fluffy plum cakes, perfect for an alternative breakfast or for a snack with an autumnal flavor. Yellow, red, green, the more you have the more you cook!

By Cookist

Apples are a very versatile fruit and they are widely used in the kitchen, especially in patisserie; in fact, with apples you can prepare soft and fragrant cakes or fluffy plum cakes, perfect for an alternative breakfast or for an autumnal snack. Yellow, red, green, the more you have the more you cook! The unmistakable taste of this fruit also goes well with tender or braised meats: let's see together in how many different ways you can cook the most famous fruit in the world!

Apple pie


Apple pie is a classic traditional dessert. Soft and fragrant, this dessert is perfect for a nutritious breakfast or for an alternative snack. Flour, sugar, eggs and of course apples; scented with cinnamon or lemon, preparing this cake will make young and old happy!

Apple and ricotta cheese pie


Do you want to try a cake that has the scent of apples and the sweetness of ricotta cheese? The apple and ricotta cheese pie is a great alternative dessert very easy to make and share with friends.

Apple fritters


Apple fritters are delicious and easy to prepare treats. For these pancakes only a pinch of dexterity is needed; the secret in fact is to prepare a soft batter based on flour, eggs and milk.

Apple Strudel


Who have you never heard of Austria's most famous dessert? The apple strudel is a dessert full of flavors: pine nuts, raisins, breadcrumbs and of course… apples! A classic of patisserie, good at any time and on any occasion!

Apple Crumble


Directly from England, a recipe that you can no longer stop preparing! Apple crumble cake is a truly greedy dessert in which the softness and scent of apples meets a crunchy layer of flour, brown sugar and cinnamon. It's a real bomb of flavors!

Apple muffins


Do you have little time but don't want to give up a soft fruit dessert? Apple muffins are the recipe for you! Few ingredients, a cinnamon scent that will fill the whole house and your muffins that will make young and old happy!

Apple pancakes


Apple pancakes are a tasty alternative to classic American pancakes; very easy to prepare, these sweet pancakes are perfect for a breakfast full of energy and taste! Add some chopped apples to the batter of flour, butter and egg, once you try them you won't be able to do without it!

Apple plumcake


A soft, fragrant, tasty and healthy dessert; if you want to prepare an alternative and nutrient-rich breakfast, don't miss this recipe and prepare this very easy apple plum cake!

Pork loin with apples


Do you think that apples can only be used in patisserie? Have you ever thought that meat could meet tasty apples? Try this easy recipe based on pork loin and you will change your mind immediately! The acidity of the apples creates a delicious sweet and sour sauce that will soften and give a particular flavor to the meat.

Chicken with apples


Chicken with apples is a quick and easy main course to prepare. Thanks to apples, the chicken acquires a tender consistency and a sweet taste that goes very well with a dish of basmati rice or couscous. Few ingredients and a few secrets and you will prepare a dish that will amaze your palates!

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