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Brad Paisley’s, “The Store” Now Delivers Food To The Elderly Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

There is still no known cure for the coronavirus, so there is nothing to curb its spread across countries. American Country singer Brad Paisley is striving to help alleviate tension regarding this in the United States. His grocery store, which usually operates for free, now delivers supplies to people of the aged population who are most vulnerable to the disease.

By Cookist

Health officials have published a note that COVID-19 is fatal to the elderly people and those with weak immune systems. This means that most of the lives that have been lost to the pandemic belong to these two classes of people.

This has caused many people to reach out to the elderly especially with helping hands as the pandemic confines them to their homes to limit their risk of contracting the virus.

Brad Paisley, who is known for his charitable works, is one such person. His famous supermarket that formerly only provided supplies to the impoverished will now deliver groceries to elderly people.

Paisley announced via Instagram that his supermarket, which is named, “The Store,” will continue to run despite the pandemic.

But even better, it will become mobile to deliver food to the elderly. Paisley said:

“We’re mobilizing a group of volunteers to deliver one week’s groceries to elderly people that should not be out shopping on their own in these times.” 

As for how they determine their beneficiaries are, Paisley explained that they already have a list of older adults to make deliveries to. He further implored the general public to contact him if they know any such person that should benefit from the initiative.

For people who can visit The Store themselves, it will continue to be open for business. It is open 1-7 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays, and takes walk-ins on Saturdays.

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