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The Complete Guide To Safe Eating During The Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus is still on full onslaught and seems more heated than ever as people face fears of running out of food while quarantined. This is why it is essential to raise awareness about food and safety during this period. Read on for a complete guide on what to do and what not to when it comes to “everything” food during the ongoing pandemic.

By Cookist

There are many things to worry about as the fight against coronavirus intensifies; one of the basic and perhaps most notable for most people is the fear of running out of food supplies while practicing social distancing.

This is quite important as many harbor fears of ordering food or going to restaurants to buy take-outs as the spread of the disease continues rapidly. This guide answers a few of these mind-boggling questions that you may have.

1. Can I get the coronavirus from eating packaged food from restaurants?


This question is one of the most widely searched right now because ordering cooked food is seemingly a good option to help you control the amount of food you consume each day.

For one, it is crucial to note that ordering food has been deemed entirely safe. This, however, doesn't mean you should stop following basic hygiene procedures like washing your hands before and after handling such packages as well as ensuring the delivery is contactless.

2. Is food a vector of COVID-19 transmission?


This question cannot be answered – yet. However, from past studies, food is not a vector for the COVID-19. A close study of the epidemiology of such food-borne diseases shows that the COVID-19 is starkly different from them.

Also, the CDC has established that most affected people contracted the virus from close association with infected persons or from touching surfaces that contained the virus. A case linked to food consumption is yet to be found.

3. If the virus gets into food, how long would it last?


No matter the assurance that it is nearly impossible to get the virus from food, this question is still widely asked.

Well, for now, reports on how long the coronavirus can last on food are limited. However, general findings have established that viruses live for longer on non-organic surfaces like metal than on organic surfaces like cardboard and, of course, food.

4. Are there any unique risks associated with food regarding the pandemic?


For now, there are no risks that have been established yet. This is perhaps because cooks and generally commercial food workers are well-trained in the proper safety and hygiene procedures.

Also, restaurants are mandated by the government to follow several rules that ensure hygienic practices and limit the number of germs transmitted to food to nearly zero.

5. Which poses a higher risk of getting infected with COVID-19: take-out, delivery, or cooking at home?


From the reports widely circulated by health providers, the primary way to contract COVID-19 is by coming into close contact with infected persons.

So, having food delivered to your home limits your chances of encountering an infected person. This makes it the best option; however, opt for contact-less delivery methods like having the food dropped at your door.

6. Can I still eat Chinese food?



Since the first COVID-19 case was reported in China, many have resorted to spreading rumors that it originated from eating bats. This has caused a dent in the activities of Chinese food businesses abroad.

You must know that just because China had the first case of COVID-19, it doesn't mean Chinese food is generally contagious. At the very least, there is yet to be any such publication from the Center for Disease Control.

7. How can I ensure that my food is safe before eating?


The simple answer is to always sterilize your food by heating it. This can be done in a microwave or just making sure to eat it immediately it is off the stove.

Like many other microbes, COVID-19 cannot survive such high temperatures. So, if you want to stay on the safe side, always make sure your food is hot before you start eating.

Eat healthy, stay happy!

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