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Portulaca: a powerful natural remedy and a “bomb” of antioxidants and omega 3

Most of you probably see Portulaca (also known as common purslane) as an useless plant, but this article will reveal some interesting facts about this "weed".

By Cookist

Most of you probably see Portulaca (also known as common purslane) as an useless plant, but this article will reveal some interesting facts about this "weed".

Its leaves provide fantastic beneficial effects, so the next time you want to throw it away, you'll have to keep that in mind. Portulaca contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that help our general needs, and the large amount of calcium strengthens our bones.


Its seeds are extremely strong, and the plant probably survives over 25 years, which means it significantly strengthens the immune system.

This herb includes much more vitamin A than all green vegetables, which is very useful in preventing cancer. It also contains Omega-3 and fatty acids in abundance, fundamental in preventing cardiovascular disease and stroke. In addition this plant is GMO-free.


Knowing this, you should really consider including it in your regular diet. Its leaves have a delicious lemon taste and they are crunchy. Therefore, you can replace spinach with it, and include it in various recipes.


You can add it in salads and sandwiches, and since it is also rich in protein, it will reinforce your energy needs. Portulaca also reduces the risk of developmental disorders in children, such as autism and ADHD.

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This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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